Being a Good Guardian
You already know your four-legged companion is a good boy or girl, but what about you? Are you a "good human" to your companion? There may not be an exact science behind being a good guardian, but there are always things we can do to improve the lives of our furry friends. And, since our companions enhance our lives, they deserve it!
Where to start?
It's a common topic, but spaying or neutering your companion can go a long way in terms of their overall well-being. Spaying/neutering can help decrease risks of certain cancers, curb undesired behaviors, and be less costly than raising a litter. The ASPCA says that, typically, dogs are spayed/neutered around six to nine months old, but this can vary by dog. Training courses are also great to consider for your companion.
Starting them early can be more effective, but your companion can benefit from training whether they're a pup or more "distinguished." Your local Wag N' Wash might even offer training courses in-store; give 'em a call and see!
The daily grind
Being a good guardian is an ongoing effort, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach! You'll know what's best for your companion's well-being, but there are some general things anyone can do for their pet. Daily exercise is necessary for all our four-legged friends to enjoy a healthy life. Take your companion for a walk, a hike, a run, or to the park to throw around their favorite ball. As long as they are active and moving (and seem happy), you're doing something right!
But, of course, after a good workout, your fuzzy buddy can work up an appetite. A diet of all-natural foods and treats free of preservatives and overly-processed nutrients will be the most beneficial for your companion. Ensure your companion gets the recommended amount of nutrition for their size, breed, and age: over-feeding or under-feeding can adversely affect their health. Monitoring their daily intake of food and treats will help ensure they stay happy and healthy!
Consider the following
With some of the basics taken care of, there are still a few more facets of your companion's livelihood to tend to. Since dogs are such pack animals, proper socialization is important and can be key good mental health and even curbing bad behavior. It can also help to make your companion more receptive in general to new situations, people, and dogs, according to PetMD. Don't forget to wash up! Good hygiene is also very important for your companion's overall well-being.
They might groom themselves to the best of their ability, but it may not be enough. Bathing them with dog-safe soaps and water will help ensure that they stay clean, free of parasites and bacteria, and that their skin and coat stay healthy. And what better place for a good bath than your local Wag N' Wash! Most dogs don't exactly enjoy the trip to their veterinarian. However, regular checkups are just as important for our companions as they are for us, especially at the early and later stages of their lives. Regular checkups can help catch (and hopefully prevent) medical issues before they become serious problems. They can also simply give you peace of mind knowing your pet is healthy.
Where's Waldo Fido
One more thing to consider when being the good guardian your companion deserves, is having them chipped. At the very least, your companion should have a tag engraved with their name and your contact information attached to their collar or harness. But, having your furry friend chipped will mean they'll always be identifiable: a microchip can't accidentally fall off like a collar could! Check out this Wag N' Wash blog for some more info on microchipping.
However you choose to care for your companion, Wag N' Wash is here to help them (and you!) be their best!
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